Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Konrath & eBooks & Inspiration

J.A. Konrath's entries on Kindle, (here and here), have re-inspired me to write faster and sell more ebooks. I've just checked my Amazon account and was surprised to see that I have indeed been earning on my ebooks sold there. (No, I generally don't check. But I will from now on.)

I was especially taken with Konrath's entry "Should eBooks Be Cheap?" The discussion strikes close to home because my publisher is selling one of my books as an eBook at what I consider to be a suicidally expensive price: $15.00-plus. I've begged the publisher to change the price. We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I have to continue down the path of ebook self-publishing. I've got how many unfinished manuscripts on my hard drive that languished partly because I let myself get discouraged? I feel energized to finish them and sell them. Even if they only sell ten copies a month, that's more than they're selling for now.


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None of your business. You're not supposed to be reading this, remember? Consider what curiosity did to the cat. You're being curious and that's not good.

Go Away!

Try reading about Sara. She just signed with a big literary agent. Unlike me, she might be kind enough to tell you how she did it.

Don't you have something better to do?

Why don't you go here and learn how to make money online, or here and learn something about men? House is right. You're a nitwit.

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