Monday, August 10, 2009

How Time Flies! Hanging in There!

I can't believe I haven't written anything here in a while. I've been working on a book by another author -- helping him to publish it. I was out of town for a couple of days and working on and off on a manuscript I've had laying around for years. I attended a book launch party and heard good news from two writer friends -- in one case, her agent got her a two-book deal and in another, her agent accepted the manuscript (after an exhaustive rewrite) and sent it out. I was happy for both of them. It's good to see hard work finally rewarded. I also took both bits of good news, which arrived within twenty-four hours of each other, as a sign that the publishing industry is still alive. (Of course, it is.)

Happiness for my friends, unfortunately, also translated into deepening dissatisfaction with my own lack of success. I have to work harder and more consistently. I'm working on three projects right now -- one for the other writer (it's a paid gig); and two manuscripts of my own, the old one mentioned above and the new one, whose word count is displayed in the right column widget. Oh, and let me not forget the last slew of edits I made in my last manuscript. So I'm working on three of my own projects, actually. I pray that one of them will break through.


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Oh, my! What are you doing here? Obviously, you took a wrong turn on the great information highway. No one reads this blog, absolutely no one, for good reason. It's simply the musings of a writer. Goodness knows, there are plenty of those around, most of them more interesting than this one. So move on. Go on. Shoo!

Still here? Well, if you must stick around, then do be quiet. Make no comments. Don't send out little alerts and invite your friends. This is my place and you're in it. You're welcome to take a seat in the peanut gallery, but don't utter a sound. Not a peep.

Don't let me know you're there. Or else.

About the Author

None of your business. You're not supposed to be reading this, remember? Consider what curiosity did to the cat. You're being curious and that's not good.

Go Away!

Try reading about Sara. She just signed with a big literary agent. Unlike me, she might be kind enough to tell you how she did it.

Don't you have something better to do?

Why don't you go here and learn how to make money online, or here and learn something about men? House is right. You're a nitwit.

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