Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Visit of an Old Familiar & Today's To-Do List

I haven't been feeling too well, lately. Asthma's back. Not strongly. Just enough for me to be aware of it, this pulling in the chest. Started day before yesterday. We were doing some house cleaning and stirred up the dust.

Usually, I wear a mask when cleaning here, but I forgot to do so that day. The dust in this place is pretty toxic. It's an old building that's been allowed to decay. The pain on the walls has lead, no doubt. The walls contain asbestos. Then there is simply the years of filth ingrained in the floorboards, and the stuff that came up last year when the building owner renovated the apartment below us. Dust billowed up through the floor and settled over everything to form a sticky gray coating. Yeech! Well, that was cleaned up, but there's still stuff in the air.

Stuff. Yuck!

Anyway, my plans for today:

1. Listen to Mass. I like to begin each day by listening to Mass.
2. Finish edits on BOB.
3. Write 2+ IM articles, submit them.
4. Write 1,000 on the blind painter.
5. Get ready for the Am BOM meeting today

Do I expect to get through all that? Don't know. But I'm in the process of doing #1.

I should also:

6. Tweet today (off and on); set up a thing of regular tweets
7. Blog on the other, real blog.

The last two things I probably won't bother with. But the other stuff, I'm going for.

Will check in later.


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Unwelcome Message

Oh, my! What are you doing here? Obviously, you took a wrong turn on the great information highway. No one reads this blog, absolutely no one, for good reason. It's simply the musings of a writer. Goodness knows, there are plenty of those around, most of them more interesting than this one. So move on. Go on. Shoo!

Still here? Well, if you must stick around, then do be quiet. Make no comments. Don't send out little alerts and invite your friends. This is my place and you're in it. You're welcome to take a seat in the peanut gallery, but don't utter a sound. Not a peep.

Don't let me know you're there. Or else.

About the Author

None of your business. You're not supposed to be reading this, remember? Consider what curiosity did to the cat. You're being curious and that's not good.

Go Away!

Try reading about Sara. She just signed with a big literary agent. Unlike me, she might be kind enough to tell you how she did it.

Don't you have something better to do?

Why don't you go here and learn how to make money online, or here and learn something about men? House is right. You're a nitwit.

Don't Email Me


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