Monday, February 09, 2009

Another Unfinished Masterpiece

So I was trying to get my creative juices going the other day -- and having a terrible time of it -- when I stumbled upon a manuscript I started years ago. I don't want to say how many years, but it would be quite a few.

I started rereading it and said, "Hmmm. This is actually quite decent. It's certainly not as bad as I thought it was. Why didn't I finish it?"

Well, it took about a day and a half of reading through it before I hit the snag. Actually, snag isn't quite the right word for it. The word would be pothole, or should I say, sinkhole, one big enough to drop a bus through.

All my effort, my struggle to fix the darn thing, it all came back to me. No wonder I gave it up. Sheer exhaustion.

So what am I going to do now. Struggle with it. Let's see if a few years' more experience -- and distance -- will help me better see the forest for the trees.


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Oh, my! What are you doing here? Obviously, you took a wrong turn on the great information highway. No one reads this blog, absolutely no one, for good reason. It's simply the musings of a writer. Goodness knows, there are plenty of those around, most of them more interesting than this one. So move on. Go on. Shoo!

Still here? Well, if you must stick around, then do be quiet. Make no comments. Don't send out little alerts and invite your friends. This is my place and you're in it. You're welcome to take a seat in the peanut gallery, but don't utter a sound. Not a peep.

Don't let me know you're there. Or else.

About the Author

None of your business. You're not supposed to be reading this, remember? Consider what curiosity did to the cat. You're being curious and that's not good.

Go Away!

Try reading about Sara. She just signed with a big literary agent. Unlike me, she might be kind enough to tell you how she did it.

Don't you have something better to do?

Why don't you go here and learn how to make money online, or here and learn something about men? House is right. You're a nitwit.

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