Making My eBook FREE
So I've been playing with the idea for a long time, since last year actually, when Darkness and the Devil Behind Me initially came out. But then I began to have doubts. This morning, however, I took another look at Seth Harwood's site, and once more became convinced that I should do this.
Yes, it's a decision that's partly born of the need to promote the book, but it's also because -- dare I say this out loud -- I don't care that much about money. Oh, it's not that I don't want to live well and feel financially secure. I most certainly do -- but I can't, for the life of me, be as hard and determined about profiteering as perhaps I should.
I do think it's a defect in character.
Up until about a week ago, I didn't realize how little I did care about money until -- voila! -- I did one of those little "tests" that your friends (and enemies) send around in the email. Usually, I don't bother with the such items. But for some unknown reason, I decided to take this one. It turned out to be one of those little gems in which you are tricked (gently) into revealing your priorities -- love, family, career, money, pride. I believe I scored first with pride, then family. Money ended dead last.
You have no idea how much that surprised me. But then I thought about it. If I'd worked as hard to be rich as I have to be free, then where would I be? Sitting on a mountain of greenbacks? Well, maybe not. But most definitely a little hill.
So this decision about making Darkness and the Devil Behind Me a freebie wasn't that hard. It was rather a relief, actually.
In the end, I was just letting me be me.
I love this concept could we interview you on Urban Literary Review - my email address is
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